

Magnificent concert was offered, in the afternoon of yesterday, the Culture Room of the Sporting Club Casino, by Miriam Mouriño Míguez (bassoon), student of the Superior Conservatory of Music, and by the pianist Julio Mourenza Torreiro, Director of the Center, who performed works from Mozart, Schubert and Bach.

La Presidenta de la As. de Meigas entrega un recuerdo a los actuantes

The President of the As. De Meigas delivers a souvenir to the performers.

The concert, integrated into the “Notes and Bonfires” Cycle of the HOGUERAS-20, was attended by numerous audiences who rewarded with great applause the performance of the concert performers.

In the end, the President of the Association of Meigas, Mª Concepción Astray, gave the participants a recount of their passage through this Cycle that has the collaboration of the Superior Conservatory of Music.

(Photos: C. Fernández and M.J. Herrero)