

With a solemn Mass officiated by Father Carlos López Jadraque, celebrated yesterday afternoon in the military church of San Andrés, the new image of San Juan, owned by the Association of Meigas, was blessed and enthroned being cultured in the baptistery of the referred temple.


Some of those attending the religious act

The event was attended, in addition to the Board of Directors of the Association of Meigas, the Child Major Meiga 2019, the popular Councilor Antonio Deus, Joana Esteve, members of the San Juan Bonfires Promotion Commission and a representation of Meigas major and children of Other editions

In the homily, the officiant thanked the Association of Meigas for the election of the church of San Andrés as a place of worship for the new image of the Holy Precursor, as well as glossary of human values and the transcendence of the figure of Saint John.

Before the President of the Association of Meigas, Mª Concepción Astray, read the official offering, managers and Meigas deposited their offerings at the foot of the image of the Saint: flowers, a Band of Major Meiga and another of Meiga de Honor and the Torch of the Fire of San Juan, as a sample of the work of the Association.

The Mass was sung by the C.S. Sacred Family.

(Photos: B. Freijido)