
Bonfires of San Juan for the memory

The date of the high June was lived in Marineda, back in the 60's, with fullness, especially by the children. During the previous days, from one side to the other, the youngest ones ran with enormous trunks, stolen with cunning; Old and moth-eaten furniture from the most remote and inaccessible of the storerooms or any element susceptible of being turned into fuel, because of the Sanjuaneras flames.

Perhaps the most important symbol of the bonfire, the differentiating element with the others and therefore the most difficult to acquire was the so-called "major stick . " Its search, localization and attainment was a constant concern on the part of all, since this element constituted the axis of the bonfire , its center and according to him was the size and imprint of the whole lumerada.

For this reason, a detailed and detailed plan was drawn up for its subtraction, taking care to keep all this as the most carefully guarded secret, avoiding that others were advanced or simply that the owner of the object to be subtracted would be alerted and doubled His vigilance, something that unfortunately happened in more occasions than desired.