

16/01/16 The coruña Belén Ferreiro López was chosen, this afternoon, XLVII Meiga Mayor for the HOGUERAS-2016. The Jury, chaired by Belén Mª Do Campo Piñeiro, made up of thirty-one people, elected the new Meiga Mayor after a long meeting that took place in the premises of Sporting Club Casino, during which were interviewed the nine candidates presented by the Association of Meigas. Subsequently, Belén Ferreiro was officially presented in the company of her Meigas de Honor Lucía Aba González; Miranda Barboza Ordoñez; Carmen Fragoso Gundín; Alba García Quintela; Cristina Gestal López; Soraya Marrozos Nogareda; Sara Reboredo Fonte and Ana Souto Páez. Also during the ceremony was presented XXXIII Meiga Mayor Infantil, the girl Alba Rodríguez Iglesias, accompanied by her Meigas de Honor Infantiles, Carla Amenedo Carrillo; Carla de Cruz Varela; Lucía Saeta Martínez; Mara Núñez Sánchez; María Fragoso Gundín; Paula Corral Sueiro and Sabela Piñón Dopazo. This act of presentation was attended by General Abajo, Head of the Operational Logistics Force; General Felices, Head of the 15th Civil Guard Zone; Commissioner Pral. Félix Díaz, Chief of Police of Galicia; General Sánchez, Head of the EM of the FLO; Belén Do Campo, General Director of the Xunta; The Military Commander of La Coruña; Roberto Coira, Councilor of the City Council and the Secretary General of the Defense Delegation, among other personalities and representations. After the words of gratitude of the new Greater Meiga, the President of the Association of Meigas, Mª Concepción Astray, made the floor to speak, closing the interventions Belén Mª Do Campo. (Photo: Carlos Mª Vallo)