

We transcribe a letter of adhesion received today. Says so:

"It's a shame for me to read the bulletin! It can not be possible that we do not have the Failure of the Association of Meigas in Riazor." I CAN NOT BE POSSIBLE, I think this City Council has no idea what it is to govern a city, a city , As well as liberal, like La Coruña, have arrived and have devastated what they have wanted, without respecting anything that is not of interest to them.It is incredible that this happens in a State of Law and in Democracy.

I will be aware of the changes that may be in the program of events of the week of San Juan. I have sent all my support for many years. Neither more nor less than since 1971, where my sister Begoña was my lady.

A strong hug and all the spirit of the world for all that wonderful team that does not deserve the treatment they are giving from the City after so many years of hard work to reach where you have arrived: Fiesta of International Tourist Interest. You have to keep it anyway. "

Thank you very much.