Shortly after linking the Meigas with the Brotherhood of Our Lady of Solitude and the Holy Burial accompanying the image of Our Lady in their procession of “Os Caladiños”, on the afternoon of Holy Saturday, the act of offering they performed
annually the Meigas major and children the Sunday before the day of San Juan, before the image of the Solitude in the church of the Third Order.
The project was born to understand that within the festive program of HOGUERAS Las Meigas should go to pay their respects to the image of the Virgin, invoking her protection, at another time that were not the tragic and painful moments of Holy Week; In this way, in collaboration with the Brotherhood holder of the image, this act was articulated, which has been taking place for the month of June.
The act is part of the 2nd category in the classification of the Promoter Commission and is celebrated, as said, on the Sunday closest to June 16, when the so-called “Week of San Juan” begins, as long as This does not correspond to the celebration of Corpus Cristi.
The act, consisting of the assistance to the Sunday religious service, is celebrated at 12.30 in the morning in the church of the Venerable Third Order, located in the Plaza de Carlos I, in the Old City, coinciding with the ordinary mass that He usually officiates in this temple.
The older Meigas come dressed in the traditional Spanish Mantilla, with accrediting Band and wearing the distinctive Medal of Meiga Mayor and Meiga de Honor, as the case may be; meanwhile, the children’s Meigas participate wearing the Regional Costume of Galicia, seasoned with a cap, mantilla or bobbin, and with their respective Bands, accompanied by the Lady of San Juan who wears her characteristic dress. The Boards of Directors of the Promoting Commission and the Association of Meigas attend the knights in a dark suit and with a Spanish Mantilla or suit for tomorrow’s religious acts, the ladies, all wearing the corresponding Distinctive Medal of their condition.
It is noteworthy that, in this act, both the Meiga Mayor, and the President of the Association of Meigas, wear the Brotherhood Medal of the Brotherhood of Soledad that in its day received the Promotional Commission to be named Brotherhood of Honor of said Sisterhood.
In the offertory, the Meiga Mayor makes the official offering while the Meigas de Honor and the Meigas de Honor Infantiles deposit two bouquets of flowers at the bottom of the image of the Virgin as well as the President of the Association of Meigas.
It is traditional for this act to attend a representation of the Board of Directors of the Brotherhood of Our Lady of Solitude and the Holy Burial, dressed in their corresponding habits.
During the first years of celebration of this offering, a procession was organized to move the Meigas from the Maria Pita square to the Third Order church, however, it was soon eliminated when it was understood that it was meaningless.
Similarly, on another date of the year, the Meigas are invited to the traditional besamanos that is celebrated in the temple of the Third Order, in honor of Our Lady of Solitude.
After the cessation of activity of the Promoting Commission, the Association of Meigas assumed this act as its own being responsible for organizing it today.
José Eugenio Fernández Barallobr