
The Meigas participated in the procession of Os Caladiños


The Meiga Mayor, Belén Ferreiro and the Child Major, Alba Rodríguez, accompanied by the Meigas de Honor and Meigas de Honor Infantiles, participated this afternoon in the procession of Our Lady of Soledad, popularly known as Os Caladiños, Organized by the Brotherhood of Our Lady of Soledad and the Holy Burial.

The procession, whose itinerary was cut before the possibility of adverse atmospheric phenomena, toured the streets of the Old City surrounded by popular fervor.

With this procession closes the brilliant participation of the Meigas 2016 in the Holy Week of Corunna. The Meigas demonstrated education, elegance and know-how, something they can boast and feel proud of and we congratulate them.

Congratulations, many would have to learn from you.

(Photo: Mª Carmen Pampín)