01/13/15 The Municipal Government of La Marea, in a clearly arbitrary and partisan gesture, denied the Meigas Association the use of the Rosalía de Castro Municipal Theater for the celebration of the Dance Evening of Burning Night and for the Festival Of the Poetic Aquelarre, an act of exaltation of the Greater Mother. Both acts have been celebrated in this framework since many years ago, with different teams of government in the Ayuntamiemto Corunna. The two events are free access and the Dance Contest calls each year to most of the dance schools and ballets of the city which causes many young women who act in the theater that is crowded with public. For its part, the Feast of the Poetic Aquelarre constitutes the institutional act of the Association of Meigas and during the course of the San Juan Awards is given and reading the proclamation of the HOGUERAS. Alternatively, the City Council offers the transfer of Agora Cultural Center whose acceptance is under study by the Association of Meigas. The measure, totally arbitrary, can not be justified on the grounds that the Agora Center is the facility that collects this type of act since other entities, sympathizers of the political group that occupies the Mayor's Office, have celebrated their acts in the Rosalía Theater. This fact is the first step given by the local government to try to corner the Association of Meigas, without acknowledging that thanks to its management the CORUÑEZ HOGUERAS were declared a Festival of International Tourist Interest. In another unfortunate measure we have learned that the Ayuntamiento Coruñés will not be present at FITUR, the second most important Tourism Fair in the world to be held this month in Madrid and which traditionally attended the Meiga Mayor to officially present the HOGUERAS. Shameful.