The act of most recent addition to the set of activities that take place in the morning
of June 23 is the tribute that, since 2014, is paid to the Artillery Brigadier of the
Royal Armies D. Diego del Barco and the Cendeja , a coruñés killed in war action,
fighting against the French at the end of the War of Independence, in the
Cantabrian town of Laredo in 1814. p>
On the occasion of commemorating the two hundredth anniversary of his glorious death, the Commission
Promoter decided, with extraordinary character, to pay him a simple homage of respect,
admiration and gratitude, within the program of the HOGUERAS-2014, at the foot of its monument
erected in the gardens of the Real Maestranza de Artillería, remembering with him the thousands of
Spaniards who gave their lives fighting against the excessive ambition of Napoleon
Bonaparte. P>
The event, continued in 2015 by the Meigas Association, is celebrated on the morning of 23
June, shortly before noon and is considered a first-class act what
implies the participation of all the Meigas, older and children, accompanied by the
Guard of Honor, Brackets, Heralds, Heraldillos and the Band of Music that accompanies them
on the morning of the Eve of San Juan. p>
With the Honor Guard marking the monument and occupying the Meigas and other guests
the previously assigned positions, we proceed to read a brief profile of this
Coruñés military, born on Calle Real, reporting his participation in different actions of the
War of Independence and his glorious death in Cantabrian lands. After this reading, the
Meigas de Honor, Meigas de Honor Infantiles and the Lady of San Juan, make an offering
at the foot of the monument to the compasses of a pasodoble performed by the Banda de
Music. P>
Finally, the Meiga Mayor, the Meiga Mayor Infantil and the Director of the Military Museum of La
Coruña, place a laurel wreath before the statue; the act concludes with the interpretation of
National Anthem. P>
The Meigas come to this event, as well as the rest of the members of the program
activities of the morning of the Eve of San Juan, wearing the traditional Spanish Mantilla,
the largest ones, and the regional costume of Galicia for children. p>
Despite being an act that once was conceived as extraordinary, commemorating the
second centenary of the Brigadier’s death, the decision of the Meigas Association of
continue celebrating it has been very successful every time he pays homage to a coruñés
who gave his life defending the freedom and independence of Spain of whose figure many
Coruñeses have no news. p>
The Promoting Commission from its origins has tried to pay tribute of admiration and
I remember many people from A Coruña and even people not born in our city who,
disconnected from ideologies, they have been able to write glorious pages of our history; in this
context are framed tributes to King D. Alfonso IX; to María Pita; to the immortal Emilia
Pardo Bazán, Concepción Arenal, Juana de Vega and Teresa Herrera and lately the Brigadier
Diego del Barco, rescuing such remarkable figures for the collective memory. P>
José Eugenio Fernández Barallobre. p>