

Our Meigas will not parade through the streets accompanied by bands, brass bands, in short, with joy.

We remain prey to this silence and this sadness that does not allow us to see beyond this muzzle that ties us.

One more year we will not be able to gather our friends and collaborators around concerts and dance evenings …

One more year we will have to celebrate the big festival of San Juan in silence and without smiles in the air; One more year our Patron Saint San Juan will not be able to walk the streets of our beloved Coruña.

We hope that next year if God and San Juan want to recover the smiles, the music, the dance … and we finally take our beloved Santiño through the streets of our city that they miss him already.

But even so, and one more year fulfilled with the traditions and with the legacy that our elders have taught us, teach the young how beautiful they are and the importance they have; why leave the “bouquet of Saint John” in water and the next morning wash with it, why jump, even if it is a small bonfire, in short, continue passing from generation to generation our roots.

I sincerely wish you a happy San Juan and that we return to being the way we were before the damn virus.

Mª Concepción Astray,

President of the As. de Meigas.