The journalist Bieito Rubido has accepted the invitation of the Association of Meigas to be in charge of reading the proclamation of the LII Festival of the Poetic Aquelarre, an act of exaltation of the Meiga Mayor and her Meigas of Honor, which will be held next May 22, at 8 pm, at the Rosalía Castro Theater.
The proclamation of the Coven Festival is also the proclamation of the HOGUERAS-24.
We congratulate the Meigas Association for its magnificent management since the value and knowledge of the crier are more than proven.
As you may remember, Bieito Rubido, a magnificent journalist, was director of Antena-3 Galicia, La Voz de Galicia and ABC, currently directing the digital “El Debate.”
We know that Bieito Rubido will offer us an unforgettable speech.