San Juan bonfires history
/ San Juan bonfires history
One of the issues to which we have always dedicated special attention since the founding of the Commission to Promote [...]
From the first years of the Promotion Commission, one of the main concerns was to adapt the label of the [...]
Perhaps it was in one of those meetings held, in the classrooms of the Colegio de la Compañía de María, [...]
As has already been pointed out on a previous occasion, it was in 1994, when we celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary [...]
Authorities, representations, representatives of the Association of Meigas de las Hogueras de San Juan, Meiga Mayor, Director and Members of [...]
A pompous name that we gave, back in the early 60s, to a small space, between tall bushes, on [...]
Take me with you Meiga, magician friend of my dreams, to the aquamarine night of the San Juan of my [...]
In 2002, on the occasion of the celebration of the central Acts of those HOGUERAS, the Board of Directors of [...]
The year 1995 was another of those years that acquired a special meaning in the Bonfires Promoting Commission since in [...]
Throughout the long history of our Promoting Commission -more than forty-six years and almost fifty-five burning Bonfires on the night [...]
It was at the beginning of 2001, when, by chance, I met Marifran Bordes, a native of Diane and a [...]
The most characteristic external sign by which the Meigas de las Hogueras de San Juan are identified is their accrediting [...]
One of the initial objectives of the Promoting Commission of the Bonfires of San Juan, when it began its journey [...]
We understand by award system the set of titles, distinctions and prizes available to an Entity to recognize the merits [...]
“The girls of the gang did not like that we were going to steal wood for the Night of San [...]
One more year the festivities of the Bonfires of San Juan attended their inexcusable appointment with the city. From May [...]
On May 27, 1998, at eight thirty in the afternoon, the XXVIII Poetic Coven Festival took place at the Rosalía [...]
The deep voice of that magnificent writer from the north coast, called Francisco de Ramón y Ballesteros, resounded that afternoon, [...]
The arrival at the mayoralty of La Coruña, in February of that year, of Jaime Hervada Fernández Spain, would be [...]
In 1988, the Promoting Commission experienced profound changes. The incorporation of the so-called Advisory Board, with important personalities in the [...]
Las Meigas in the San Roque de Betanzos The < / span> HOGUERAS-88 , did not end with the end [...]
1988, was another year of great changes in the FIREWORKS , a year in which, on the one hand, new [...]
The gradual and constant incorporation of the Meigas, both older and children, not only to a greater number of acts [...]
Shortly after linking the Meigas with the Brotherhood of Our Lady of Solitude and the Holy Burial accompanying the image [...]
Currently, the first official act attended by the Meigas in the HOGUERAS program is the one that serves to present [...]
The current programming of HOGUERAS includes as a first religious act the so-called Memorial Mass that serves, every year, to [...]
For some years and until the infamous arrival at the Town Hall of the spiteful sectarians of the tide that, [...]
Es el acto religioso más importante de todos los que se celebran anualmente dentro del programa HOGUERAS . Clasificado como [...]
The act of most recent addition to the set of activities that take place in the morning of June 23 [...]
Today is the night of June, the night of Vespers of San Juan, on the eve of bonfires; Maybe that’s [...]
In this month of May we are playing the future of La Coruña and we will have to decide if [...]
When the eighth centenary of the concession was celebrated in the city in 2008, by S.M. the King D. Alfonso [...]
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