

The young Corunna Ana Souto Páez, sixteen years old, was chosen in the afternoon of yesterday XLVIII Meiga Mayor for the HOGUERAS-2017.

The Jury of Election, chaired by the Xunta de Galicia Regional Secretary of Agriculture, Belén Mª Do Campo Piñeiro, made up of a total of thirty members from different professions, assessed the aptitudes of the nine selected candidates, finally choosing Ana Souto.

The new Major Meiga, of long tradition in the family of HOGUERAS , was successively Meiga de Honor Infantil (2013); Meiga Mayor Infantil (2014) and Meiga de Honor (2016), now managing to become the second woman to reach all the steps before being chosen Meiga Mayor.

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Together with Ana Páez participated in the same phase of Election the also Coruñesas Bárbara Alvarez López; Adriana Ares Segret; Sandra Calvo Filgueira; Belén Campos González; Nerea Dacosta López; María Gende Piñuelo; Alejandra Mosquera Pérez and Sara Reboredo Fonte, all of them named Meigas de Honor 2017 ..

Concluded the counting went on to make the public presentation of the new Meigas of the HOGUERAS-2017 in an act that, like the previous one, was celebrated in the Room of the Culture of the Sporting Club Casino, counting on the presence, besides Bethlehem Mª Do Campo; The General Chief of Staff of the Operational Logistics Force, Manuel Busquiers; Commissioner Pral. Head of Operations of the Higher Police Headquarters, Félix Díaz; The Colonel Chief of the Command of the Civil Guard, Francisco Rodríguez Jambrina; The Popular Councilors Roberto Coira and Rosa Lendoiro; Different Presidents of Cultural Entities and neighborhoods of our city; Major Meigas of previous years among which were those of 2016 Belén Ferreiro and Alba Rodríguez; As well as relatives of Meigas and other guests.

As it began of this second phase of the act, conducted by Nadia Quintela, Meiga Mayor 2010, the XXXIV Meiga Mayor Infantil was presented, the Coria girl Fraia Korsgaard Trigo who was accompanied by her Meigas de Honor Infantiles

After the presentation of the new Meigas Infantiles, Miranda Calvo Peñalver; Amanda Calvo Peñalver; Isabel Campos González; Susana Rosario Pedregal García and Noa Rivadulla Souto, the Secretary of the Jury, Carlos Fernández Barallobre, proceeded, in the presence of all the candidates, to announce the content of the final act of the Jury thus presenting the new Major Meiga.


On the other hand, Ana Souto, who thanked her for her appointment and expressed her willingness to continue fighting, against the wind and tide, on the night of San Juan Coruña. Next, the President of the Meigas Association, Mª Concepción Astray, took the floor. She thanked the guests and welcomed the Meigas, alluding to the fact that despite the difficult moments that the Entity lives because of the sectarian and revanchist attitude of the Municipal government, the Meigas would continue to work in their own right for the HOGUERAS.

The turn of interventions was closed by the Secretary General Belén Mª Do Campo who congratulated the new Meigas and invited the Institutions and Entities to work to keep alive the traditions of the city, alluding to the important role of the Association of Meigas in this role.

The event concluded with a toast to San Juan 2017.

(Photos: Mimi Santos)