

On the afternoon of yesterday, a further edition of the Feast of Poetic Solstice, an act of exaltation of the Alba Rodríguez Santos, was celebrated in the Auditorium of the Eusebio da Guarda Institute, as a major child of the HOGUERAS-2016 , and Her Children of Honor, Sabela Piñón Dopazo; Mara Núñez Sánchez; Paula Corral Sueiro; Carla Amenedo Carrillo; María Fragoso Gundín; Lucía Saeta Martínez; Laura Lopez Queiro and Carla de la Cruz Varela.

At the door of the Institute, which was elegantly decked out, with the Honor Guard of the Meigas covering its staircase of honor, the Child Major, Alba Rodríguez who arrived in a vintage vehicle, was received by the President of the Association of Meigas and for the Meiga Mayor 2016, as well as for the Meigas de Honor and Meigas de Honor Infantiles.

The presidency of the Fiesta was headed by General Sánchez Fernández, Chief of the Operative Logistics Force, who accompanied the Meiga Mayor2016, Belén Ferreiro; The President of the Meigas Association, Mª Concepción Astray; The popular Councilor Begoña Freire and other representations.

The XXIX Feast of Poetic Solstice began with a magnificent concert by the "Cordaensemble" Chamber Group, which was very much applauded by the audience that filled the Auditorium.

With the colorful parade of honor of the Meiga Mayor Infantiles and their Meigas de Honor Infantiles, to the chords of the march "Meigas and Hogueras", began the second part of the Fiesta. After listening to the pasodoble "Meiga Mayor", an anthem of the CORUÑEZ HOGUERAS , the Child Major, Alba Rodríguez, gave a remembrance to the Eusebio da Guarda Institute, as well as Alfonso Mosquera and the Chamber Group "Cordaensemble".

Subsequently, the Major Children's Miner, delivered the Bronze Thistle, in the modality of collective, and imposed the Cardo de Plata, in the individual modality, to Juan Mª Santos Gayoso, the popular "Napoleón", President and founder of the Cuarentuna coruñesa.

The finishing touch to this Fiesta was the entrepreneur and Meiga de Honor of the HOGUERAS-95 , Carmen Mª No Varela, who read an emotional and endearing Pregón that was much applauded by the attendees.

The interpretation of the Galician and national anthems and the parade of exit put an end to this new edition of the Feast of Poetic Solstice that was a success that must be noted in the memory of the Association of Meigas.

Another elegant and classy act that not everyone knows how to imitate.

(Photo: Carlos Mª Vallo)