One more year, and there are no more nor less than forty-three – so that someone later says that we started yesterday – was celebrated the traditional Festa da Danza das Meigas, dinner-gala in honor of the Meigas-2016, having as The incomparable Victory Hall of Hotel Finisterre, where more than a hundred guests met.
The party, which was presided over by the Meiga Mayor, Belén Ferreiro, and the Meiga Mayor Infantil, Alba Rodríguez, was attended by the General Chief of the Operative Logistics Force, Francisco Sánchez, and the Delegate of Defense in Galicia, Juan Carlos Sancha, who accompanied the Meigas Mayores in the beginning of the dance.
To the desserts, the President of the Association of Meigas, Mª Concepción Astray, thanked the presence of all the attendees and offered for a happy San Juan 2016.
The dance, very lively, lasted until dawn in an elegant and fun atmosphere enjoyed by all attendees.
It does not matter if someone tries to sour San Juan to us, who, like us, have been working for him for years with great success. Better times will come, they will come, and the tide will come down, it will come down, that's for sure.