As it has been traditional for years, the Meigas, older and children, of the HOGUERAS-2016 , attended the celebration of the religious acts of the day of Corpus Cristi. First they went to the church of San Jorge, where the Holy Mass was celebrated, and later they joined the procession where, for the first time, the Municipal Band has not participated. Neither has it been possible to celebrate Holy Mass in the square of Maria Pita as was customary given the absolute lack of collaboration of those of the tide who, however, if they will collaborate, with the money of all, in those acts linked with their ideology.
Las Meigas, keeping the tradition, one more of the ones of our city that they want to erase with a feather, participated in this festive day wearing the traditional Spanish Mantilla, some, and others with the elegant Regional Costume of Galicia.
Miriam Santos has sent us a photographic report that we published.
The Meiga Mayor, Belén Ferreiro, during the procession.
The Child Major, Alba Rodríguez, during the procession.
The Meigas de Honor in the procession.
The Meigas de Honor Infantiles in the procession.
Meigas older and infantile.