

Let no one dare to say that the San Juan Coruña, our HOGUERAS , was conceived for a segment of concrete and determined age. Here he participated all who wanted. From those thousands of Coruñesas girls, of school age, who during years disputed the Sports Week; Going through the hundreds of young people who, in love with dance and ballet, have participated in successive dance competitions or in the evenings of Nights of Dance; Even those who are part of bands or bands, youth has always had room in our celebrations and all this without counting the Meigas.

We have tried to make San Juan for all without distinction other than those who exclude themselves.

Let them stop lying, we're tired. Let no one say that in our HOGUERAS young people do not participate. Of course it does, but it does that which is able to dedicate a part of your free time to a cultural or sports activity that passionates them and not to merely to sate or do nothing for others to do.

(Photo: the Chamber Group "Cordaensemble" in the Feast of Poetic Solstice)