

06/04/16 We read with surprise and indignation the press release that the government of the tide has spread to the media in which it argues all the protagonism in the organization of the festivities of the Bonfires of San Juan and For this reason they demand that the Xunta be the recipients of the subsidy this Institution grants in the case of a Festival of International Tourist Interest. We again insist that such a leading role is totally false; The only Entity that has fought for forty-seven years to make the festival of the HOGUERAS resurgent in our city has been, first of all, the Promotion Commission of the Bonfires of San Juan, and, at present, the Association of Meigas de The Bonfires of San Juan, receiving during these years small municipal aid and in some cases not even that. It is striking that a people who, since their arrival at the City Hall, have had the obsession to erase at a stroke all our work is now trying to prove that they are the great makers of the party, those who invented it and the only intermediaries Valid for their management. From the first day they have shamefully disowned the Association of Meigas, insulted her, vexed her, turned her back on her arrogance of despotism. The final conclusion is that these people are only interested in the money to finance and subsidize what they like, what they think like them or what fits their political interests. What was the purpose of the motion presented by the popular with the vote of the Socialists in the municipal plenary demanding the support of the Meigas Association? They have not been given anything, either. We hope that the Association of Meigas continue giving the battle to the end, demanding something that corresponds to them, respect for the work of almost fifty years that can not erase some upstarts like this for the simple fact of not thinking like them.