

The Paraninfo of the Eusebio da Guarda Institute dressed its best clothes to receive, in the afternoon of yesterday, with its staircase of honor stamped by the Guard of Honor, to the Children's Meigas of the HOGUERAS-2017 that celebrated the XXX Festival of the Poetic Solstice, Its annual celebration.

At eight in the afternoon began the act with the intervention of the Metal Quintet of the Conservatory of Music that offered a brilliant concert that was much applauded by the attendees.

[Caption id = "attachment_9365" align = "aligncenter" width = "675"] The Metal Quintet of the Conservatory at a time of its intervention The Metal Quintet of the Conservatory at a time of its intervention [/ caption]

Subsequently the Meigas de Honor Infantiles, Lola de Pedro Santos; Eva Pan Fernández; Isabel Campos González; Andrea Castro dos Santos; Maria Fragoso Gundin and Susana Rosario Pedregal Garcia, made their solemn entrance in the Paraninfo to the chords of the "Meigas and Hogueras" march, escorted by the Honor Guard of the Meigas, Brackets, Heralds and Heraldillos; After them made the entrance the Biggest Infant Child who listened excitedly reading an ode in his honor. Then, after listening to the pasodoble "Meiga Mayor" began the final phase of the event that was conducted by Asunción González Campos, Meiga Mayor 2011The Meiga Mayor gave some memories to the Instituto Eusebio da Guarda and the Conservatorio Superior de Música; Later he delivered the Bronze Cardos, in the modality of colectivos, to the Choir Fonte do Souto, the Ballet Danzade and the Tanxedoria Association and the individual Silver Thistle to Patrocinio Páez Alvarez, Member of the Board of the Meigas Association.

[Caption id = "attachment_9370" align = "aligncenter" width = "300"] Appearance of the Institute's Stairway of Honor Appearance of the steps of honor of the Institute [/ caption]

The party was read by the lawyer Luisa Novoa-Cisneros García, Meiga Mayor of the HOGUERAS-1989 who in brilliant exhibition referred to his unforgettable experience as Meiga alluding to "Meiga Mayor or Honor is once But something remains forever. " He also referred to the special protection that Mr. San Juan dispenses to the Meigas and made a documented tour of the beliefs and traditions that revolve around the night of San Juan.

[Caption id = "attachment_9366" align = "aligncenter" width = "300"] Luisa Novoa-Cisneros reading her cry Luisa Novoa-Cisneros reading her cry [/ caption]

The act, which among other performances was attended by José Manuel Garcia, spokesman of the PSOE municipal group, concluded with the interpretation of the Hymns of Galicia and Spain that gave way to the Meigas honor parade.

In short an endearing act that will be engraved forever in the retina of our Meiguiñas.

(Photos: Carlos Mª Vallo)