In another boast to the more stale sectarian FASCISTA style, those of the tide, ignored the request of the Association of Meigas to authorize that , in the afternoon of tomorrow, the Meigas 2016 , accompanied by Charanga Compostela , The streets of the city center distributed among the Coruñeses Magazine HOGUERAS-2016 , annual publication of the Meigas Association.
In its day, the Association of Meigas requested, through the Municipal Register, the corresponding permission to carry out this activity that would serve to encourage the streets of the city center. The answer, none, as corresponds to that sectarian political group, taking advantage of the malicious procrastination and the negative administrative silence, in such a way that the Association of Meigas chose to distribute the magazines in the Place of the Cubela, zone El Corte Inglés on Friday Day 17, from 17.00 h.
Street night recitals have been allowed, the last weekend there were in the Old City; Commissaries and parades have been allowed; It is even allowed, without anyone preventing it, that anyone who wants to bet on the Calle Real to offer a concert of fortune with any instrument; However, the Association of Meigas is prevented.
This sectarian and revanchist hatred is very close to the most radical fascism and, of course, Bolshevik and the Bolivarian dictatorship. We hope and we fervently hope that one day it will pass both to them and to those who protect them.
What was the fear? That the Coruñeses realized that the Revista HOGUERAS-2016 is a serious and dignified publication and not that shabby and sad pamphlet that they have edited with the money of all? They will know anyway.
Let no one forget that he who makes a decision knowingly that is unjust or intentionally dilates the deadlines of communication of the resolution in respect of any petition may incur a criminal figure contemplated by the Laws.
What happens to article 14 of the Constitution that proclaims that all Spaniards are equal before the Law? Let them not forget, even if they do not like it, that we continue, luckily, being in Spain.
I hope someday not too far away all this happens to them. And now, these parasites that spend the day reading what we put on our website run to tell their masters to gratify them with the corresponding 30 coins. What a shame and disgust!