

In the early hours of today afternoon, in the church of the Third Order, the traditional Holy Mass Offered to Our Lady of Soledad was attended by the Meiga Mayor, Belén Ferreiro; The Child Major Major Alba Rodríguez; The Meigas de Honor and the Meigas de Honor Infantiles; As well as the Board of Directors of the Meigas Association. The City Council of La Coruña, which not from the tide, was represented by the popular mayor Martín Fernández.

The official offering was presented by the Meiga Mayor-2016, Belén Ferreiro, who after thanking the Virgin for the favors received, hoped that the world, and especially our city, would be more tolerant. After the offering, the Meigas deposited flowers at the foot of the image of Solitude.

The origin of this offering, which is repeated every year, must be sought in the linking of the Promoter Commission, first, and now of the Association of Meigas with the Brotherhood of Our Lady of Soledad and Santo Burial in whose processional parades of The Holy Week participate the Meigas, besides being Cofrades of Honor of the mentioned Brotherhood.

The Holy Mass was officiated by Father Corazón, parish priest of the San Andrés military church.

(Photo: Lucía Fonte)