

Magnificent, the round table held this afternoon, in the halls of the R.R.I. of Artisans, which counted with the presence of Mª Concepción Astray Gómez (Meiga Mayor 1985); Verónica Pérez Ordáx (Meiga Mayor 1997); Laura Rey González (Meiga Mayor 2005) and Asunción González Campos (Meiga Mayor 2011), acting as moderator journalist Nadia Quintela Rodríguez (Meiga Mayor 2010).

Each of the Major Megas narrated their experiences of the nights of San Juan of which they were main protagonists, remembering with nostalgia those magical moments.

They began their interventions by introducing themselves, a journalist, a teacher, a pharmacist, a businesswoman and a housewife, none of them “vase women” as they maliciously branded them as unpresentable sectarians of the tide that those if, for their manifest incompetence, deserve the qualification of “types and tipas vase”, although really, during these four years, the darkest in the history of La Coruña, have served much more hindrance than utility, not deserving even the qualification of “vases”, because even for that they have served.

For an hour, the BONNESSES of the years in which the participants were Meiga Mayores, were reviewed, remembering anecdotes and personal experiences and highlighting, about all, its valuable contribution to the resurgence of San Juan Coruña.

His final message, as a clamor, is the demand that whoever is María Pita occupy, as of day 26, has the sacred obligation to respect the traditions and freedom, something that these sectarians of the tide have violated throughout their black years of mandate.

And we, we add something else, we must clean La Coruña from this black tide that has been messing it up since 2015.

At the conclusion of her speech, which was very applauded by the audience, the Meiga Mayor Infantil, Ainhoa ​​Souto, gave the participants a reminder of their time “Coruñesas Pages”.

(Photo: C. Fernández)