Following the response given by the tide to the requests of the Association of Meigas in a brief, null and void in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, because it can not identify the person responsible for its drafting and the subsequent departure of tone Councilor of the same group that pointed out, to questions of Belén Ferreiro and Lucia Fonte in the Municipal Plenary on the letter, "that there would be no problem in signing it all," which, as expected, did not happen, we continue to wait.
The Association of Meigas sent a new letter through the registry hoping that the City Council of the tide, not of La Coruña, give a response to their demands.
We, for our part, keep asking ourselves:
Based on what legal criteria is prohibited to the Association of Meigas to burn their bonfire on the night of San Juan when that permission is given to the rest of Coruñeses?
Why the Meigas can not travel in their Cavalcade the seafront as they have been doing for forty-six years?
Why the procession of San Juan can not cross the square of Maria Pita in the day of the 24?
We know that old and crude policy of deliberate procrastination. They give way to the answer so, later, with those faces of "not breaking a plate" full of cynicism say that "it was that Entity that did not want to do anything" ..
You will deceive many, but we will deceive you; We know you very well and know the tactics of the most stale Bolshevik style.