In this month of May we are playing the future of La Coruña and we will have to decide if the city emerges from this obscurantism in which it has been submerged since 2015, it seems convenient to remember all the damage that the sectarians of the tide have done to the San Juan of Coruña. Span> p>
They, in their exclusionary and perverse desire, believed that they would only harm the Meigas Association, using it thoroughly for this, however, the real damage was done to the night of San Juan and its projection and consolidation as a Festival of International Tourist Interest that, since they are bad governing the city, they only care to keep the party in the sand, prohibiting and preventing everything else . span> p>
We still remember that phrase made by one of the advisors of the Department of Culture when, in the first meeting they held, the directors of the Association of Assistant Magicians they got up and left the room after hearing the insults and humiliations addressed to them. At that time, the aforementioned adviser said proudly “you see it was not that hard to get rid of them”. Span> p>
This phrase clearly demonstrates that everything obeyed a previously planned and planned plan aimed at making the Association of Meigas disappear from the festive panorama of the city . span> p>
From that moment until today, in this persecutory desire to fulfill its dark and petty objectives, these bad people deprived us of the following: span> p>
1st.- Between the years 2016 and 2018, the Meigas Association programmed more than 240 cultural, social and popular events, all of them free of charge , a business card that very few A Coruña entities can present; well, during these years, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE TIDE HAS NOT GRANTED OR AN EURO OF SUBSIDY TO THE MEIGAS ASSOCIATION. span> p>
2nd.- Between the years 2016 and 2019, the Association of Meigas has had to pay the City Council the tide, the not inconsiderable amount of 14,500 e. , as a rental of the Rosalía de Castro Theater, for the celebration of the Dance Contests and the Festivals of the Poetic Coven, while other friendly and related Entities are given free of charge. span> p>
3rd.- Since 2016, the Meiga Mayor has not been invited to FITUR again in order to promote the party of the span> BONDS b> span> , something that, despite being the only Festival of International Tourist Interest of La Coruña They have not done either. span> p>
4th.- Since 2016, the mismanagement of the tide has prohibited the celebration of the Bands Imposition Ceremony in the Plenary Hall of the City Council. the Meigas as it was doing previously. span> p>
5th.- Also, since 2016, the Meigas have been received by the Mayor again as was the custom since 1971. span> p>
6º.- Since 2016, the tide has banned the celebration of the San Juan Parade, the night of June 23, which had been on the streets since 1971 . span> p>
7º.- Also, since 2016, they have forbidden the San Juan Fire procession to cross the Paseo Marítimo, despite its spectacularity, adducing, just like in the case of the cavalcade, the celebration of other acts that never took place. span> p>
8º.- The years 2016 and 2018, prohibited the celebration, in the Plaza de María Pita, of the central act of homage to the Coruña woman. span> p>
9º.- Since 2016, they have not allowed the procession of San Juan to cross Maria Pita square, on the afternoon of June 24. span> p>
10º.- Also, during these years, they have allowed the Meigas delegation to cross the aforementioned square on the morning of June 23 as if it was a space owned by these bad people. span> p>
11º.- Since 2016, it has been overlooked in the poor and shabby promotion that they have made of the San Juan festival, its title of Fiesta of Tourist Interest International, something that Coruñeses should feel especially proud of. Span> p>
12º.- Since 2016, they have not allowed the Bands concerts and the ballet and dance days to be held in any of the squares of the city, having had to resort to the Port Authority to celebrate them in their area of responsibility. span> p>
13º.- Since 2016 they have prohibited the Local Police from escorting the image of San Juan in the procession on the afternoon of June 24 and even, like the last year, they did not even send troops to accompany the Meigas committees. span> p>
14º.- Since 2016, the Municipal Band has been prohibited from offering, within the program of span> HOGUERAS b> span> , the traditional concert that had been offering since 1970. span> p>
15º.- Since 2016, the Meigas Association has been banned from burning its bonfire at the Riazor beach, a right that any Coruña has except the Meigas that They were the ones who took the bonfire to the beach in 1992. span> p>
An attitude of miserable and shameful persecution, which makes it clear who these are who have led the city to its state of prostration and darkness in the that we met since his arrival at the City Council in 2015. span> p>
During these years, only hatred, sectarianism and resentment have led them to show their wickedness, in addition to their obvious incompetence evident in the management made in this period, sad and painful. span> p>
What they have done with the San Juan and with the Meigas has been a rampage that has no possible forgiveness. span> p>
The important thing is that, despite this vile and petty persecution carried out over these almost four years, the Meigas are still there and they will leave to not return and they will continue working for the San Juan Coruña. span> p>
That’s why, now, in the absence of a few days for the elections, if we crave an open, cosmopolitan, cheerful, liberal city, where we all have a place; a city in which we turn aside Bolshevik / Bolivarian totalitarianisms passed fashion; a city where nepotism is condemned; a city that is once again one of the leaders of Spain and not of the second division as they have become these mediocre, I ask the people of A Coruña not to vote and that together we can throw them from the City to the cry of NEVER MAIS! span > p>
Eugenio Fernández Barallobre. span> p>