
Carrying the traditions

Traditions, above all, are the seals of identity of nations, of cities; When someone tries to load a tradition of those that we call inveteradas is as if, with a stroke, to eliminate a piece of the soul of that Nation or city.

That, unfortunately, is what is happening in our beloved city of La Coruña and happens since those who govern Maria Pita have arrived that fatal and damn day of May last year.

Arrogance, unreason, arrogance, sectarianism and the remarkable lack of intelligence are concepts that preside over all his performance since that date.

It seems as if it were a matter of re-editing a city scheme in its image, despising everything that we did many, before they came to occupy the positions of government.

Not only have they attacked the Association of Meigas, who have systematically vetoed and banned the most stale style, prohibiting and vetoing, arguing that acts overlap with those that will be organized by the City Council, when it is really the other way round, since we have It was us who articulated the night of San Juan as we know it today.

Not only that. They began by prohibiting the celebration of the bullfighting fair in August even if it meant the payment of compensation to the Entrepreneur; In their day vetoed the celebration of the Virgin of the Rosary, Patroness of the city; Later it was the turn to Holy Week, prohibiting to the Local Police and to the Municipal Band that participated as it had been habitual from many years back; Even at the height of the most sectarian paranoia, tried to veto Civil Protection participate, forgetting that these are volunteers who do not receive any compensation.

It is now up to the same to be done with the Voting Function, an act that has been repeated since the end of the 16th century, to which neither the Mayor nor any of the municipal government will attend.

It is, in short, to eliminate at a stroke all the traditions that constitute a stamp of identity of La Coruña to the most stale inquisitorial style.

The Inquisition, fortunately, was eliminated in the days of Fernando VII or so we believed.

What will he play now?