

Today was a great day for Emma, well, for Emma and for Roberto since they celebrated their marriage in the church of Santa Eulalia de Lians and, later, a party in style at the Pazo de San Tirso in Mabegondo, a place of extraordinary beauty.

The happy couple leaving the church

Emma Cabezas Alvarez, our beloved 50 Meiga Mayor, a true reference in the history of HOGUERAS, was kind enough to invite us to share with her and her husband this unforgettable day in which nothing was missing, including the air of Tuna, always happy, always very Spanish, because it is not in vain that Roberto is tuno and it is not possible to say “was tuno”, since tuno, like Meiga, is forever.

An unforgettable day in which we had the opportunity to share a few hours with unique and unrepeatable people.

We wish Emma and Roberto a very long and happy life in a communion of dreams, desires and desires and that your honeymoon is unforgettable and that the blessing of our friend Pater Mañán y Bascuas accompanies and protects you forever.

Thank you very much for allowing us to share with you this unforgettable day that will remain etched in the retina of our memories.