
The Meigas in the Function of the Vote

Yesterday Sunday, the 8th, the Bigger. Belén Ferreiro and Meiga Mayor Infantil, Alba Rodríguez, accompanied by the Meigas de Honor and Meigas de Honor Infantiles and the President of the Association of Meigas, Mª Concepción Astray, attended the religious act of the traditional Voting Function which, since Late sixteenth century, is being held in our city.

The function of the Vow recalls the offering that on May 8, 1589, a group of Corunna made before the image of the Virgin of the Rosary, begging him to intercede to get the siege to which the city was subjected by the English Contraband under the Command of Admiral Drake. In this gesture, which was an important blow to the British, highlighted the heroine Maria Pita.

The Meigas of the Hogueras de San Juan have been participating in this event for years, which, as in previous years, was presided over by the Archbishop of Santiago Monsenor Barrio.

Traditionally, at the conclusion of the religious function, the Municipal Corporation, under clubs, accompanied by the Local Police in uniform and gala Heralds, Timbaleros and Clarineros of the city, was offering a laurel wreath before the monument to Maria Pita, in the square that bears his name, and that yesterday was not held when no one attended the municipal government of the tide.

At the conclusion of the Mass, the Meigas-2016 pose before the image of Our Lady of the Rosary, patroness of the city.

(Photo: Miriam Santos)